I love my religion, my faith and religion have gotten me through so much. BUT with that being said, I am fearful of being myself. Our church teaches that LGBTQ are born the way we are. That trans people (this includes those who don't fit under the normal male and female) are gods creation and that we must not bully them, hate on them or anything of the sort. They were born this way. THIS is what they teach. With that being said, so many "GOOD" Mormons still refuse to listen to this. I've witnessed a transwoman be made fun of behind her back, (yes I tried to stop it). So I'm deathly afraid of being talked about behind my back. I don't fit the gender binary, I'm sorta down the middle, agender/genderfluid. I don't share this very often, in fear of someone attacking me. Don't get me wrong, the church is amazing and there's been much more accepting Mormons than not in my ward.
I'll say this though, it took only 2 people out of 50 ward members to make me go inactive for a month and go back into the closet. The only thing that led me back to the church was the Holy Spirit. I'm happy I did, as I'd not have found the love of my life if I didn't.
But I want to feel free to express myself without breaking my religions doctrine, is that too hard to ask? I don't want to feel like I'm going to be made fun of for being myself.
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