I am a proud member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormon). My faith has helped me through, it's helped me through my trial and tribulations. It has helped me through the dark times of my life.
I say it's helped me, let me explain. Jesus Christ, God and my church have truly been helping me. Jesus Christ and God have given me strength to succeed and keep going. They've helped me through the worse parts of my life and I wouldn't be alive today without seeing the light. They've given me hope and support when I had no one. My church. Its people. They've helped me with things like bills, food, and friendship when I needed it the most. I met my wonderful boyfriend through church. He's never left my side and knows how sick I am. He supports me through thick and thin.
I know many people have gone through bad things when attending a church, but for me I have been lucky. As usual, with any place you are a part of there'll be drama. Especially if it's among young adults. But the drama outweighs the good and positive I've seen. I've been accepted by many in my ward, I've been helped and blessed and I feel so horrible that some people can't attend even another or my own Christian church because of their experiences. I pray and wish there'll be change and the hate will leave all people's hearts.
I know many have bad ideas about my faith, but as a queer, genderqueer female, disabled, Arab young woman I have met nothing but acceptance from the members. I know that not everywhere is like this. I know I'm fairly lucky. I do not agree with everything that my church says, but I hold tight to my faith. I will always.
With this said, I will like to end saying that I know my faith helps me and Jesus Christ and God is what has helped me through. I am a proud member of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and will forever be.
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