Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Be the Light

Today as I was scrolling through facebook, I noticed how often I see my friends and loved ones posting negative things about their life. I know that facebook is a place where people can vent without having to say it out loud. Media allows us to express ourselves in an (almost) safe environment. Hey, I am definitely not perfect and being disabled, and living a lone, I have at times resorted to venting on facebook. It's incredibly easy and I can get my feelings out right? But it's not just venting anymore, there's so much crime, hate, loss, death that sometimes it's too much to handle and one almost wants to curl up into a ball and wish it was a nightmare, just a dream and not reality. It's reality though, we can only do what we can with the world around us. It may seem hard, like we can't do it. We're only one person right? Wrong. We can make a difference, even one small ripple can completely change a person's day, life and thoughts. It can make them happy, or in the case of what's going on right now-- sad. We must be the beacon of light for people around us. Make them smile, show we care, be the positive light in the world that offsets so much negative. When someone vents on facebook, instead of attacking them or making fun of them, offer your assistance. Show you care. There's a reason (other than looking for attention) that a person vents. It could be that this person feels like they have no one around them to turn to. It could be that they are scared to say it out loud. There could be many reasons why and it's not our place to judge those who need to say it, who need to vent. Sometimes, they are looking for support. Help them, don't be a judge. Be there for them, you never know how much help you can be by just showing you care.

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